

*April 16 at the Trebisonda 
Bookstore, in Turin, will be presented the Artist's Book "Sguardi Incrociati - Incontri veri e immaginari a Torino", a collaboration with Alexandra Von Bassewitz and Graphot Editrice

*April 8-9-10, Workshop with James Fazz Farrell "Evolution of Round Hand to Contemporary Pointed Pen", at the Calligraphy Association Il Calamo, Grosseto

*February 24, Course on the calligraphic style La Tondaat the Calligraphy Association "Dal Segno alla Scrittura" in Turin 

*October 16-17-18, Course on the calligraphic style The Textura, at the Calligraphy Association "Il Calamo" in Grosseto

 *Exibition with some of my works, at the ATBARTGALLERY "CalligraphicArt: La sublime arte della Calligrafia", Corso Verona 21 - Turin

*October 16, Course on the calligraphic style La Tonda
at the Calligraphy Association "Dal Segno alla Scrittura" in Turin 

*May 30-31 and June 1st, Workshop on the calligraphic style Engrosser's Script
at the Calligraphy Association "Il Calamo" in Grosseto

*January 25, Workshop on the calligraphic style La Tonda
at the Calligraphy Association "Dal Segno alla Scrittura" in Turin 

*November 15-17, Workshop on the calligraphic style La Tonda
at the Calligraphy Association "Il Calamo" in Grosseto